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Trade - The Buyer's Perspective

Exporters - hear from UK buyers on effective strategies for market entry

Buyers - influence and strengthen the emerging market supply chain

"Finding the actual buyer is the critical challenge we are facing."

Exporters from emerging markets to the UK and EU often face a critical challenge: "How do we connect with the right buyers for our product?" On the 25th of September, at the BEC Trade Exchange: Trade – The Buyer Perspective, we will bring together UK industry buyers and exporters from emerging markets, with a particular focus on Ethiopia. We invite you to join this collaborative discussion designed to help exporters better connect with UK buyers and provide buyers with a deeper understanding of the benefits of trading with emerging markets. With over 63% of surveyed Ethiopian exporters identifying the UK as their preferred market, understanding buyer expectations is crucial.

Our discussion is supported by data collected earlier this year in collaboration with two leading trade organizations in Addis Ababa. We engaged 170 Ethiopian exporters to identify their key challenges in exporting to the EU27 and UK markets. This research highlights significant barriers and provides actionable insights into trade opportunities, when supported by effective market entry strategies.

  • Hybrid

  • In-person and virtual dial-in

  • Half day: 09:00 - 13:30

  • Limited to 100 in-person attendees

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09:00 - 09:30

Arrive - Networking

  • In-person - morning coffee

  • Virtual - lines open for dial-in

09:30 - 10:00
Cracking the Code: What UK Buyers Really Want
With over 66 million consumers, how do UK buyers meet the demands of their customers.  This opening session will deep dive into the operation of UK organisation's procurement teams, offering exporters the opportunity to understand what drives their decision-making. Hear from one of the UK's leading procurement experts.  more

  • The Procurement Puzzle: challenges and priorities for UK buyers in today's market.

  • Engaging with Buyers: Best practices to connect and build relationships with procurement teams.

  • Compliance Made Easy: How to meet the specific requirements of UK organisations and expedite the procurement process.

  • Sustainability Matters: The increasing importance of sustainable supply chains and what buyers expect from suppliers in this area.

  • Success Stories: Examples of successful supplier-buyer partnerships and what made them work.

10:00 - 10:40
Sector Spotlight: Make Your Products Shine in the UK Market
Diversity programmes and working capital are just some of the ways UK organisations are incentivising suppliers. Industry procurement experts from 4 popular sectors, each shed a light on how exporters can effectively align their offerings, exploring specific buyer expectations and providing actionable insights to enhance market fit.  more


  • Quality Standards: What UK buyers expect in terms of product quality and consistency.

  • Regulatory Compliance: Highlighting priority regulations for agricultural imports.

Coffee Focus: Specialty and organic coffee

  • Consumer Preferences: The UK consumer and their evolving relationship with coffee. 

  • Sustainability: How sustainable and ethical sourcing practices impact buyer decisions and marketability.

Fashion Focus: Textiles and Apparel

  • Buyer Expectations: Fashion quality or quantity?  The importance of your brand story.

  • Market Opportunities: Identifying and capitalizing on generational trends in the UK fashion market.

Beauty & Personal Care

  • Market Demand: the competition for natural ingredients and ethical production.

  • Competitive Edge: Strategies to differentiate products and cut through the noise.

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11:10 - 11:40
The Emerging Market Advantage: What UK Buyers Need to Know
In June 2024, the UK imported £22.7 billion in goods from non-EU countries, many of which include emerging markets. With a focus on Ethiopia, this session will provide UK buyers with essential insights into the benefits these markets offer, the challenges suppliers face, and proposed solutions for effective collaboration. more

  • Positive Outlook: Resilient, adaptable and determined.

  • Balanced Perspective: Acknowledge macro-level challenges, but they do not dominate.

  • Diverse Product Offerings: Ensuring UK Buyers have a competitive advantage.

  • Wealth of Natural  Resources: Contributing to sustainable and ESG-compliant products.

  • UK Buyer Partnerships: Potential to drive significant social impact.

  • Focus on Practicality: Keeping the conversation grounded in practical solutions and actionable insights.

11:40 - 12:10
UK Trade Agreements - Make Them Work For Your Business
The UK has established over 20 preferential trade agreements with regional blocs and countries around the world, including many emerging markets. These agreements are designed to make it easier and cheaper for UK companies to import goods and for exporters to sell their products in the UK. However, the extent to which these agreements are utilised varies significantly. Hear from trade experts on how to take advantage of the benefits they offer.   more

Benefits of UK Trade Agreements:

  • Reduced Tariffs: Lower tariffs on imported goods decreasing costs for UK businesses, making products from partner countries more competitively priced.

  • Improved Market Access: Easier access to new markets and increased opportunities for exporters to enter the UK market.

  • Streamlined Customs Procedures: Simplified processes for clearing goods, reducing delays and administrative burdens.

Practical Tips:

  • Stay Informed: Regularly review updates from trade organisations and government bodies.

  • Seek Expert Advice: Engage with trade advisors or consultants, promotion agencies and chambers of commerce.

  • Leverage Technology: Use trade management software related to preferential trade agreements.

10:40 - 11:10
Understanding UK Consumers: From Silver Surfers to Gen Z
In today’s dynamic market, UK consumers are more diverse than ever, spanning from the Silver Surfers (48%) who value quality and tradition to the Gen Z (19%) shoppers who drive trends and demand sustainability. Industry experts share how understanding consumer behaviour, confidence and buying power in 2024, is a competitive advantage.  more

  • Generational Spending Trends: Silver Surfers prioritize quality and reliability, while Gen Z seeks innovation, sustainability, and ethical practices.

  • Impact of Inflation: Rising costs are shifting consumer priorities, to seeking value for money.

  • Sustainability Demands: Consumers are increasingly supporting brands with strong environmental credentials. Gen Z, in particular, is driving demand for products that are eco-friendly, ethically sourced.

  • Digital Shopping Growth: E-commerce continues to expand. Brands must optimize their digital presence.

  • Personalisation and Customer Experience: Consumers expect tailored experiences. Buyers value data that can enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.

  • Cultural and Social Influences: Diverse cultural backgrounds and conversations, social media trends and movements are all influencing purchasing decisions.

12:30 - 13:30

Networking "lite bites" lunch

  • For those participants joining us in-person at Battersea Power Station, we invite you to stay for a "lite bites" lunch and to take advantage of the networking opportunity.

12:10 - 12:30

Q & A

  • Question and Answer session open to both in-person and attendees joining online.  An opportunity to ask questions to all of the experts, speakers and other attendees.

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Who Should Attend

UK based - organisation's buyers and procurement professionals This event is ideal for UK-based professionals, if you are seeking to understand the nuances of sourcing from emerging markets, are actively looking to expand your supplier network and can strengthen the sustainable supply chain.  Your insights and guidance will be invaluable in helping exporters align their product and service offerings to meet your business needs and the demands of the UK consumer. ​​ EU and other -  organisation's buyers and procurement professionals While the trade exchange is focused on the UK market, EU and other international procurement professionals are very welcome to join and your point of view is valued.  If you are not based in the UK, we recommend you consider joining us online and taking advantage of the interactive networking opportunities.  ​ Exporters to the UK market We actively encourage exporters, who may have contributed to the original BEC survey data, in addition to wider regional exporters to attend.  While many aspects of the discussion will be informed by Ethiopian export activity, insights from our UK industry experts plus UK consumer behaviour specialists can be applied broadly. Takeaways are designed to help you answer the question "how do I connect with the right buyer?" and support your efforts in refining your market entry strategy.    Trade professionals​ For businesses offering trade facilitation, supply chain and logistics services,  you can take advantage of the trade exchange targeted networking opportunity to secure new clients.  In addition to expanding your understanding of how best to facilitate trade between emerging markets, with a focus on the African continent, and the UK.   Investors​ For investors exploring emerging markets or seeking impact investment opportunities, this trade exchange is a good launch pad. Exporters with growth potential will need your support to enter the UK market and take advantage of the scale of the UK consumer base.   If you are UK based, you are welcome to join the in-person networking while also connecting with investment opportunities online.  We recognise that your conversations are likely to continue after the trade exchange has ended and we will share with you exporter contact details, with their permission, for your follow-up.     Trade promotion​​ Policy makers, capacity builders, academics and those involved in trade promotion, are very welcome to attend.  Gaining insight into the needs of UK buyers and procurement professionals when trading with emerging markets will help inform your work in developing policies and designing effective capacity-building programmes for both emerging market exporters and their UK based customers.

Trade - The Buyers Perspective is hosted by AMA - Advanced Market Access, with the support of industry experts and event professionals.  This is an exclusive event limited to 100 in-person attendees in addition to online participants and contributors. With a proven track record of over 10 years private and development sector market engagement we are expert facilitators of impactful discussions and providing a platform for creating meaningful business connections. We are focused on results and aim for participants to leave with actionable strategies and clear next steps. Whether that is closing a trade deal, securing a new partnership or refining a market entry strategy. We aim to be transparent and clear in all of our communications regarding the event. If you have any questions, please contact:

Container ship Port of Valencia Spain

Earlier this year, in collaboration with two leading trade organizations in Addis Ababa, Amabilidad (AMA) conducted a comprehensive survey of 170 Ethiopian exporters. Our goal is to understand the key challenges they face in exporting to the EU27 and UK markets. The BEC Survey data reveals significant barriers as well as actionable insights into trade opportunities when supported by market entry strategies. 63% of respondents identified the United Kingdom as their preferred export market.  18% of businesses export honey, seeds and spices and almost 20% highlighted "connecting with buyers" as their greatest challenge. Whether you're an exporter or a buyer, these findings offer valuable guidance for navigating the complexities of international trade. Learn more

Impact world map of 20 global countries

Consulting Services

Specialists delivering in developing countries 
Project Management icon. Credit: Icons8

With experience delivering over 20 projects across 15 developing countries, from Haiti in the West to Papua New Guinea in the East, we offer a range of consulting services tailored to your project and business needs.
Find out more



Amabilidad partners with the Centre for Accelerated Women's Economic Empowerment to deliver Building Export Capacity (BEC).


Amabilidad partners with TradEthiopia to deliver Building Export Capacity (BEC).

WIN Logistics

A collaboration to understand the impact of the COVID 19 global pandemic on trade and logistics with Senegal.

Video credit: Define Initiative - DEFINE SKILLS Training Program for Women-led MSMEs in Papua New Guinea. UNCDF, UNDP and PNGX Papua New Guinea. March 2023. Supported by Amabilidad.

Video credit: GSMA - How MoMo Pay Merchant Payments. MTN, Accra, Ghana. 

Project Lead: Orla Ryan, Market Engagement Director, Connected Women, GSMA.

Unilever Transform

When you work in fast moving consumer goods (FMCG), spare time for meetings is not something you have in abundance!

Ice Addis

Today I met with iceaddis Ethiopia's first innovation hub and tech startup incubator, founded over 10 years ago.


With their target in sight of over 100k empowered businesses in Ethiopia by 2027, Chapa Financial Technologies continues to drive their business forward.

Coffee Collective


Coffee is at the heart of many small women-led businesses in Ethiopia.

As an entrepreneur it can be difficult to differentiate your story and let your customer know how great your product is.

This year, 2024, we plan to help, using the power of social media. As the story unfolds, please follow along.

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Addis Ababa. Almuyee Coffee.

📰 Survey results for Building Export Capacity (BEC) Ethiopia to the EU 27 +UK are out!

Terms and Conditions
Amabilidad is a private limited company.
Registered in 2010 in the United Kingdom.
@Amabilidad 2024
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